If you’ve followed Doom:The Dark Ages at all, you’re likely aware the FPS prequel will find players carving through Hell’s hordes from behind a hulking shield equipped with an enemy-eviscerating spinning blade. And while all the, er, buzz surrounding this death-dealer seems justified, the hyped weapon may have some of its thunder stolen by The Knightlings’ Magnustego buckler, a defensive device with some cool tricks of its own. But we’re getting a bit ahead of ourselves.

The Knightling is an upcoming fantasy action-adventure focused on fast-paced combat and creative platforming. And it’s nothing at all like Doom:The Dark Ages. Well, except for that shield we mentioned a moment ago.

You see, the story-driven, semi-open world game puts players in the boots of the titular squire, a young, eager apprentice thirsting for the sort of adventures typically undertaken by his master, the strong, stately Sir Lionstone. The comparatively puny protagonist doesn’t have much in common with his long-maned mentor, but he does have access to his powerful shield. And that brings us back to the Magnustego.

Also affectionately referred to as Magnus or Maggie, we got to take this potential-packed device for a test drive during our recent hands-on demo with The Knightling. As our preview kicks off, our masked hero hoists the oversized, ornate shield before gazing upon the stretching lands surrounding him. Dubbed the Outskirts, the medieval-inspired, fantasy setting features a colorful.