Americans love donuts, which is further proved by the fact that alone. That love of the circle-shaped, sweet treats means that many at-home bakers whip up their own versions. There are gluten-free options, vegan options, a whole array of donut possibilities, but most donut making requires using a dreaded kitchen enemy — a cauldron of hot oil.
The sizzle and pop of that 375-degree, muddy brown puddle in the frying pan is practically screaming at you to approach with caution, and so are the small puckers of oil burns on the back of your hands from the last time you tried this. Once you've made your dough and portioned the donuts into their perfect shapes, place them onto square sheets of parchment paper. You can buy or simply cut a roll yourself, but make sure the squares are appropriately sized.
Carefully place the donut, parchment paper included, into your pot of oil for an easy, pain-free transfer. Once the donuts are frying, you can fish out the sheets of parchment paper with a pair of kitchen tongs and avoid the dangerous oil splash-back. Why frying donuts with parchment paper is the safer choice Burns from hot cooking oil are some of , with oil splashes and spills resulting in serious burns and house fires.
It's always best to take precautions when working with oil, which is why the donut trick with parchment paper has become such a hit among home bakers. By alleviating that splash-back, you're saving yourself from potential burns, reducing a messy cleanup situation, an.