On Tuesday, Ava Kris Tyson announced on X that she would “permanently step away from all things MrBeast and social media.” The longtime collaborator and childhood friend of Jimmy Donaldson, the man behind the 305 million subscriber YouTube kingdom with its own line of Walmart-sold chocolate bars and videos that pull in hundreds of millions of views, apologized for any “past behavior or comments if it hurt or offended anyone.” Donaldson issued his own X statement on Wednesday night, saying he’s “aware of the serious allegations” and has “taken immediate action to remove Ava from the company, my channel, and any association with MrBeast.

” He also stated he would be launching an independent investigation into Tyson’s actions. The apologies come in the wake of a flood of new and revisited allegations looking into the 28-year-old’s behavior on social media over the past decade. Tyson is a trans woman and has been the target of anti- LGBTQ+ harassment since her transition in 2023.

Recently, videos have claimed that starting in 2016, Tyson, who was 20 at the time, had been interacting online and exchanging messages that included sexual content with a user named LavaGS since they were 13 years old. Lava, who is now a 20-year-old editor, also took a job with MrBeast and visited the Beast compound. Some online have felt Lava was “groomed” because of their interactions.

(Neither Donaldson nor Tyson returned a request for comment before publication.) In a series.