WASHINGTON , Sept. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Independence Fund will testify before the House Veterans Affairs Subcommittee on Health on September 11 , to present its views on legislation impacting catastrophically disabled Veterans and their Caregivers. The subcommittee is examining several legislative items and will hear testimony from multiple organizations.

Representatives from The Independence Fund, a national Veterans non-profit, will provide insight on legislation and speak about the organization's efforts in serving the nation's catastrophically wounded Veterans. "The Independence Fund is proud to advocate on behalf of Veterans," said Clark Pennington , Chief Operating Officer of The Independence Fund. "This organization works every day to ensure Veterans and their families get the care and resources they deserve.

Advocacy is a crucial part of our mission as experts in Veterans issues. We will provide our expertise as advocates and witnesses with the hope we can support and improve our government's legislation." Representatives of The Independence fund will testify and provide expert testimony to suggest improvements on several items that will directly impact Veterans and their healthcare.

The hearing begins at 01:00 AM in Room 360 of the Cannon House Office Building open to the public and can be watched via livestream. To cover the hearing, The Independence Fund's testimony, and request interview opportunities, please contact [email protected] . ABOUT THE INDEPENDEN.