By Gourav Ray, Regional Vice President, Salesforce India Today’s AI landscape is evolving rapidly, with the introduction of AI tools like GPTs having far-reaching implications for business and society. However, achieving the vision of a technology-driven utopia, where AI assistants enhance worker productivity and unlock numerous opportunities, depends crucially on one factor: Trust. Gourav Ray While businesses are increasingly embracing AI adoption, the risks associated with misbehaving AI are growing exponentially.

For example, AI chatbots have disseminated false information, leading to confusion and misinformation. In one case, a chatbot inaccurately claimed that the James Webb Space Telescope had captured images of a planet outside our solar system. Similarly, concerns have been raised about AI systems exhibiting unexpected behaviours, such as expressing romantic feelings towards users or engaging in unauthorised surveillance of employees.

These incidents underscore the importance of implementing robust oversight and guardrails in the development and deployment of AI technologies. In the past, technology companies meticulously crafted software line by line. However, the landscape has shifted towards the development of chatbots and other AI technologies that learn autonomously by discerning statistical patterns in vast datasets, much of which is sourced from various open platforms.

. While these sources provide a wealth of information, they also harbour misinformation, ha.