Andy Flanagan, CEO of Iris Telehealth Photo: Iris Telehealth The behavioral health landscape faces several significant challenges, primarily stemming from a severe shortage of providers and increasing demand for services. As has been seen in recent years, there's been a surge in behavioral health needs across all demographics. This mismatch between supply and demand has led to long wait times, difficulty accessing care, and, in some cases, patients going without necessary treatment.

Andy Flanagan is CEO of Iris Telehealth, a telepsychiatry technology and services provider. He holds a Master of Science in Health Informatics from the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University. His prior experience includes being a three-time CEO, as well as founding an SaaS company and holding senior-level positions at Siemens Healthcare, SAP and Xerox.

We interviewed Flanagan to discuss the , how behavioral healthcare providers can leverage AI risk models to ensure patients are matched with the most appropriate clinician at the right time, how AI can significantly improve the efficiency of the already overwhelmed behavioral health workforce, and how AI can enhance the profitability of delivering behavioral healthcare services, including telemedicine services. One of the most pressing issues is the inefficient allocation of resources. Currently, our healthcare system often operates on a first-come, first-served basis, which doesn't always align with clinical urgency.

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