In , which is the seventh book of the Warwick series, Miles Faulkner and his devious plans for William Warwick get entangled with political intrigue. Your last book, , was inspired by a conversation about the Crown jewels. What was the inspiration for this one? The inspiration for this book was discovering that Thomas Jefferson hand wrote the Declaration of Independence while he was in Paris, and if the copy were to be found today, it would be worth £100 million.

Miles Faulkner finds it. No, I have no idea what will happen in the next book until I have the outline of the subject. So, in , I knew it was an international crime.

I do know the subject for the eighth and final book, which will be the 2012 Olympic Games. No, the public were responsible for the William Warwick series. They wrote and told me how much they would like Harry Clifton’s hero to be a subject in his own right and, as a politician, I have learned to follow the public.

Yes, I still continue to write every draft by hand. The latest novel, , was the fourteenth draft. I wish it would get easier, but it doesn’t.

I suppose if I could not come up with stories, or became bored, I would stop writing, but fortunately the ideas never stop coming. The William Warwick series has seen William rise right from that rank of a Constable, and make his way up to Chief Superintendent, and each book has had a new subject: art fraud, drugs, murder, international conspiracy, protection of the royal family. There has always bee.