The best smartphones on the market are referred to as “flagships” – high-end devices representing the best of what a company has to offer. Flagships offer a variety of top-end features, including high-speed performance, crystal-clear displays, and camera setups that can give DSLRs a run for their money. These devices represent the pinnacle of today’s mobile technology, so it’s no surprise that they also come with sky-high prices to match.

While almost every smartphone would prefer to have the ultimate flagship experience – the price tag associated with these high-end devices means they’re out of reach for many people. This gap opened the market for Flagship Killers. Flagship Killers are smartphones offering high-end hardware and features at a relatively lower price point than the flagship devices of the same year.

HONOR has been hard at work to develop smartphones that are designed to provide a premium smartphone experience without breaking the bank – and the HONOR 200 Series is proof of this. The latest evolution in the Number Series is packed with industry-leading features that are available at a mid-range price point – making the feel of having a premium device accessible to everyone. But what makes the HONOR 200 Series a game-changing device in the Flagship Killer realm? There are five key elements that make a flagship device standout: Smartphones have gotten steadily bigger over the last few years.

Flagships tend to be bigger in size compared to their m.