THE Holy Quran says, “Raise up in their midst a messenger amongst them, who shall recite unto them our signs and shall teach them the book and the wisdom and purify them.” Another verse, “Truly God was gracious to the believers and sent a messenger to the unlettered people to show them His signs, to teach them the book and the wisdom and cause them to grow.” “Quran says, “He is indeed successful who causes his real self to grow and he is lost, who stunts it.

” In Surah Al-Lail, “Far removed from it will be the righteous, who may give his wealth, so that he may grow. The purpose of life as per Quran is to grow and all this growing, learning and developing experience is an essential stage in our personality creation to take us to our next life. Quran says, “Those who remember God, standing, sitting, lying and reflecting on the creation of heaven and earth say, Our Lord, you did not create all this in vain.

” “We have not created heavens and earth and whatever is between them in play, if we wish to take a sport, we could have done it ourselves.” God does not satisfies whims, fancies, or entertains Himself. “Do you think we created you without purpose and that you will not be returned to us?” (Surah 23) What is the purpose of life that Quran is talking about? It talks of believers and rejecters and wants us to be believers, so thatwe can experience in this life and in much greater degree in the next, a relationship of love with God.

The believers will tu.