Yes, THE HE-MAN WOMAN HATERS CLUB is in ACTION!!! They’re talking to every emotionally stunted, insecure man out there, the kind that cannot endure the fact that women by the tens of millions are demanding— CAN IT BE TRUE? — EQUAL RIGHTS AND THE EQUAL PROTECTION OF THE LAW . The men the HMWHC is appealing to largely see women as inferiors. Many see women as the property of men.

Many believe that women must be submissive, even if those women are more talented and intelligent than the men in question. Women, in this view, are weak, and a Real He-Man can NEVER appear weak by embracing “feminine values”. So the He-Man Woman Haters Club bases much of its message on the appeal to male strength and dominance.

Of course, we all know the leader of the HMWHC: His MANY crimes, sins, and insults directed at women have been documented by Yours Truly and many others , so I needn’t belabor them here. And recently the HMWHC took on a new acolyte and Second in Command: J.D.

VANCE! If you follow my stuff, I think you know what I think of this prick candidate . After crudely insulting those without children, Little J.D.

got off the couch and brought in his wife to defend him: x JD Vance’s Wife: My Husband Only Meant to Insult People Who Actively Choose Not to Have Kids, Not People Who Are Trying but Are Unsuccessful Maybe, and hear me out, this is just a hypothetical, but maybe he shouldn't insult those people, either — C-Bo the Eggman (@CBoTheEggman) Aug.