Lea en español Paula Nieto-Morales recalls the puzzled looks on her parents' faces when she told them she wanted to become a neonatologist. She was 5 years old. "I was so little! And they asked, 'Where did you learn that word?'" said Nieto-Morales, who was born and raised in Colombia.

She likely picked it up while watching television, mostly nature and medical documentaries. Flashed on the screen were images of babies and the word "neonatologist," a doctor who specializes in the care of babies born prematurely or with congenital disorders. Nieto-Morales, the daughter of physicians, has had a lifelong interest in learning about newborns and science.

It carried through to her time at the University of the Cumberlands in Williamsburg, Kentucky, and now as she seeks a doctorate in biomedical sciences at Florida State University College of Medicine in Tallahassee. At FSU, Nieto-Morales studies diseases of the cardiac muscle, or cardiomyopathies. It has inspired her to pursue a career in pediatric cardiology.

"I have always been fascinated by the heart and the fact that it never stops," she said. "It's always working" – just like Nieto-Morales, who seemingly is always looking to explore new ideas and opportunities. In 2013, at age 16, she moved to the United States by herself after earning two scholarships, including one to play collegiate tennis.

After graduating in 2018 with bachelor's degrees in chemistry and biology, she moved to Atlanta to work as a contractor with the Cen.