Babiker Yahia was in the best of moods. It was Eid , spring had sprung in Birmingham, and he was at home preparing to greet his wife and their three children and young baby home from a joyous celebration with nearby friends. A phone call changed everything.

On the line was his nine year old daughter. "She was crying and kept saying Mayar has passed, Mayar has passed. There had been a crash.

" The next few minutes passed in a blur. Babiker raced the 100 yards or so from home to Upper Highgate Street to find a horrifying scene. His beautiful four year old Mayar was lying on the ground and his wife was bleeding and badly injured, with two broken legs.

His son, seven, and nine-year-old daughter were in shock, with the baby. READ MORE: Grieving dad's two-word plea after beloved daughter, four, killed in crash He knew immediately as he rushed to her that Mayar was gone. "The paramedics came and worked on my daughter for ten minutes or more but I already knew she was not breathing anymore.

There was nothing they could do. The news was broken to me and my wife together that she had passed." He said of his beloved daughter: "She was my very good girl.

She was good, clever, bright girl, full of life. She was a very good girl. Even at four it was clear she was very bright, the school told us how good she was.

" The little girl's joyous smile in a photograph, cheekily making a v-for-peace sign, is now a startling reminder of the impact of bad driving on Birmingham's roads. She is one of 24.