People living in blue zones, which are areas with the longest life expectancies, are thought to have among the best diets in the world. Get the latest top news stories sent straight to your inbox with our daily newsletter We have more newsletters Get the latest top news stories sent straight to your inbox with our daily newsletter We have more newsletters There are a huge range of factors that influence what we eat on a regular basis. This can be down to allergies and dietary preferences, as well as the cost of food and how much time we have to prepare it.

Where in the world we live also plays an important role. This can vary so much by country that certain nationalities are known to be healthier than others as a result of their diet. One nutritionist revealed which countries have the overall healthiest diets and explained what makes them so beneficial.

Expert nutritionist and author Sandra Mikhail, working alongside over 50s experts SunLife , pinpointed the best overall diets in the world as those eaten in Japan, Greece, Italy, Cyprus, Spain, South Korea, Australia, Ethiopia and Sweden. In comparison, she warned that Brits are not so healthy, with a recent SunLife survey of 2,000 people revealed that 81 percent of them said they do not consume the recommended five portions of fruit and vegetables every day. Sandra shared more about why each country on her list is so healthy.

“Japan’s diet is characterised by fresh seafood, rice (brown included), vegetables, and fermented.