will be from next week with its 15th season. Alongside hosts and will be returning judges and as they seek to find the nation's top amateur baker once again. Before the first soggy bottoms of the season are prepared, let's meet those hoping to become the next Star Baker.

Andy 44 Essex Car Mechanic "My strengths I’d say are probably making Bread and also Meat pies. My weakness is definitely eating too much bread and pies!" Christiaan 33 London : Menswear Designer "As a baker, one of my strengths is to not be afraid to try out new things, taking risks which may pay off or they may not. I also think my background in fashion can play to my strengths, when thinking about design/details/colours/etc.

" Dylan 20 Buckinghamshire Retail Assistant "Popcorn is my favourite snack, salted popcorn, I can eat only popcorn for days and be fine." Georgie 34 Carmarthenshire Paediatric Nurse "My strengths as a baker are that I have had many different influences in the kitchen from a young age so I have played with lots of various techniques. As a mother I never have much time so I always try to be able to pack as much flavour into my baking and cooking, in little time.

My ADHD does affect my everyday life and most definitely baking. When I can hyperfocus on a bake I can do it to the best of my ability in a short space of time. On the flip side this can also cause me to rush and make mistakes! Another weakness I feel is that I am quite heavy-handed, so can struggle with intricate designs.

" Gill .