Not too long ago, we had a theatrical drought thanks to the strikes — which were more than justifiable. To think we’d be in a situation where we actually have too many interesting movies and shows out right now is quite comforting. So, this week’s column is less a single review and more a compilation of thoughts on recent media — “Deadpool and Wolverine,” “Borderlands,” and the second season of “House of the Dragon.

” The Good I knew going in that “Deadpool and Wolverine” would contend for best movie of the year, but it went above and beyond my expectations in nearly every way imaginable. The original “Deadpool” and its sequel were exceptional films, but likely because of the low budget they both felt like they existed in a self-referential vacuum. “Deadpool and Wolverine” breaks free of said vacuum with a fury that can only be attributed to an angry Hugh Jackman as The Wolverine.

It has the same comedic writing as — if not better than — its older siblings, but because Disney is now involved, the money trading hands has been increased by a considerable amount. I’m certain this will fall on deaf ears, but please don’t take your kids to see “Deadpool and Wolverine;” if you do, however, please don’t get too upset when, within five-to-10 minutes, the titular character performs a gratuitously gruesome dance routine set to a beloved ‘90s classic. It only gets more graphic from there.

I would love to see a spinoff franchise entitled “.