We have walked down the primrose path of agèd love and had our hearts callously broken by whatever the hell happened between Gerry and Theresa , but now we are back! Ready once more to feel feelings for an oft-overlooked love demographic (older people) as Joan Vassos deals with a house full of men north of fifty. Do I feel particularly ready to handle this show as someone whose dad remarried in his eighties, and to a genuinely excellent person? Yes! I do! Love for all, and let’s make sure to include people who still want it in their final decades (their golden years, she added cleverly). We open on Joan gently selecting jewelry as Kacey Musgraves’s “Rainbow” plays.

Sold. Joan was married to her husband John for thirty-three years, until he passed away from pancreatic cancer. John made life fun and made her feel visible every day, so these are going to be Joan’s key points when measuring The Men.

I really hope that Joan requested that Phil Collins play during her intro because otherwise, it’s very much inviting the viewer to confusedly ask, “Is that ...

Phil Collins?” and I don’t know why the show would want us to do that. Let’s meet these men! Joan is doing so in a very sparkly dress. 10/10 for the sparkle level.

She is starting out with twenty-four men, which is so many, but that number will be winnowed down to eighteen tonight, if I counted correctly. Okay, here we go! The men who get into packages in the first half are Kim, the Navy Captain; Jonathan,.