Living In Delhi Is Our Past Sin Or We Electing The Wrong Leaders To Make Our Lives Miserable Indian economy is like a blooming bud ready to kick start the growth engines of the world. The world is looking for India to market their products and services for their companies. India is the dominant player and is becoming the manufacturing source for the global companies having the best-skilled labour and most of the population are youth.

With the connected ports, airports, express highways and better infrastructure facilities the world is looking at India to invest. India’s economy is one of the least affected countries in the world and it also holds the shocks from the pandemic, Russia Ukraine war and the Israel Middle East crises. India is the 5th largest economy in the world.

The Indian economic growth is very high compared to global big economies with 7.8% year-on-year growth. Indian balance of payments is good and we are exporting more goods and services than we import and our forex reserves reached $ 654 Billion.

India produces 1.5 million engineers per year and more than 50,000 doctors every year. India has strong human resources and Indians are the key players by working in every part of the world.

India is a strong diplomatic player in the world. When India cancels Article 370 no country dares to raise its voice against India but Malaysia raises its voice against India. India is the world’s largest edible oil consumer and importer.

The Malaysian economy is mostly dep.