Summertime is arguably the best time of year to enjoy your garden, whether you're seeking relaxation or planning an outdoor gathering. Clever use of fence paint can help create the illusion of a larger space, preventing feelings of confinement. However, it's important to remember that not all gardens are created equal, and different colours may suit different sized spaces.

Just because one shade seems to expand a space, doesn't mean it will have the same effect in a courtyard-style garden, reports the Mirror. For those with average-sized gardens, gardening guru Angela Slater from Hayes Garden World , suggests opting for a darker hue. Black or graphite Angela explains: "Generally, a fence painted in dark colours makes an average sized garden appear larger as it shifts the eye from the fence to the plants.

If you have a lot of plants packed into your garden space, you can get away with a black or dark graphite fence as it will provide a foil to the colours of your plants and make any light coloured flowers stand out; it will also give the illusion of depth to your plants. "If you have a lot of green in your borders, paint your fence in dark olive or French navy to tone in with your plants." One factor to bear in mind when choosing a dark colour is that they tend to highlight dirt and grime more than lighter shades, meaning more frequent cleaning may be necessary.

However, if you're diligent about garden landscaping and maintenance, this shouldn't pose a problem. Light pastels f.