Electric vehicles, autonomous driving, smart cars, and beyond...

what does the future hold for automotive technology? In today’s fast-paced world, the automotive industry is undergoing a profound transformation fuelled by cutting-edge technologies and innovative concepts. From the surge in electric vehicles (EVs) to the dawn of autonomous driving, the future of cars promises to reshape our driving experiences. Digital Journal caught up with automotive expert Crystal Voogd from 5 S tar Car Title Loans to examine the emerging trends in the industry and predict what technology might be in your next vehicle.

What to expect from electric vehicles of the future Considering the potential, the technology still has a long way to go. Here are five things to expect from electric vehicles in the near future. More Affordable Gone are the days when EVs were a niche novelty; today, they are a tangible symbol of progress and sustainable innovation.

A recent article by The New York Times illuminated the growing accessibility and affordability of electric cars, marking a significant shift in consumer attitudes towards clean energy transportation. The report noted that blue-collar workers and young people are choosing to buy EVs, with some able to get Tesla vehicles for just over $20,000 with a federal tax credit. More Luxury Options On the other side of the spectrum, luxury car manufacturers, once synonymous with roaring petrol engines and opulent excess, are now leading the charge towards el.