Kids may say the darndest things, but parents tweet about them in the funniest ways. Although Twitter has rebranded to X , the humor lives on. Every week, we round up the most hilarious quips from parents on the social media platform to spread the joy.

Scroll down to read the latest batch, and follow @HuffPostParents for more! My 6yo told me there's a kid called Mirror in his new class, and I'm not sure if he misheard or that's just where we are with names now My 17mo insisted her baby needed her own horse in the carousel. pic.twitter.

com/ISmKxpCAjP A rival dad told me one of my tires looked low in front of some other dads so I pressure washed a small but visible corner of his driveway to show him what it could look like. My 17 year old is in Germany for a month and my 12 year old just asked if we can repaint the upstairs and when he gets home pretend it’s always been that way and I was like, I love you, you are evil and brilliant, and also for reference, this is a literal example of gaslighting. Found the JanSport backpack that I had in college and it was still in pretty good shape so I gave it to my daughter and she had the nerve to ask why it doesn't have a laptop sleeve My toddler threw a tantrum after I made him breakfast.

Couldn’t figure out how to stop it then my wife comes over and makes him stop crying by moving the milk bottle from the left side of his breakfast plate to the right. Instead of happy birthday my kids sang skibbidy toilet rizz to you and the fact t.