The next Full Moon is on September 18, in the sun sign of Virgo and therefore its opposing sign of Pisces. It is also a partial eclipse and a supermoon, which amplifies the lunar influence on our psyche. Unexpected events could ensue.

This Full Moon’s Pisces eclipse-y vibe brings that sign’s traits into play at double strength – intuition, imagination, empathy and even psychic ability. It’s likely, if ever there was a window of opportunity, that you might feel the stirrings of a spiritual awakening right now. Possible signs of a spiritual awakening include: heightened intuition, increased empathy and sensitivity, surging creativity, changes in beliefs including a desire to serve others, a sense of unity with all, heightened dreams and visions, feeling a deep connection with the universe, an intense desire to be honest with oneself, finding it difficult to make small talk, being tearful, and even physical changes like losing weight, getting fitter, brighter eyes, or a more alert and youthful complexion and expression.

At its core, however, this is a shift in mindset, an emotional and mental experience, a positive change of heart about how you think of your place in the world and what you want to do with your life. Let the tarot guide you towards what this major cosmic event could mean for you! Aries March 21 to April 20 Tarot card for Aries for the Full Moon in Pisces : Ace of Wands Meaning: Your Pisces Full Moon spiritual awakening manifests with the Ace of Wands, whi.