Bad things happen, or you may like to say evil arises, when we or others make bad choices. The effects of bad choices are felt by many as we are all part of one creation. It is clear that badness arises way down the line and is subsidiary to the love and goodness of that which has allowed us the power to forge our own future as we choose it to be, for better or for worse.

There is not a contest here, the power of good is supreme. Mothers and fathers bring forth sons and daughters and, thus, participate in the universal creation process. When our children are young, we make choices on their behalf according to our best judgement.

By the time children become adults, they will have understood that they are free to make their own choices. The freedom to make choices is a fundamental part of who and what we are, and this is a good thing. We are free to make good or bad choices and all the ones in between.

A choice is not a one-time event; it is ongoing, as we are free at any time to make adjustments or altogether different or even opposite choices. Although there are numerous causes for bad choices, I see two as being fundamental. Firstly, most people lazily dislike taking responsibility and are not prepared to spend the time and effort to properly understand what is going on around them.

Secondly, people misplace trust in the secular and spiritual leadership. We consistently elect to be led by the most incompetent and dishonest among us. If we follow bad leaders and believe lies,.