A powerful, but less discussed, form of freedom is the one that comes from within, in terms of making the right choices and being strong enough to stick by them. With Independence Day around the corner, it is important to recognise that independence just doesn’t mean freedom from external forces - it is deeply personal, too. A powerful, but less discussed, form of freedom is the one that comes from within, in terms of making the right choices and being strong enough to stick by them.

Not only does this make you a more confident individual, but it also allows for better mental health, less anxiety, healthier relationships and most of all, overall sexual well-being and a positive outlook towards sex. Here are some ways you can exercise this choice as shared by Pragya Arora, Psychologist on coto: Understand your own emotions: In my practice as a mental health expert, I largely emphasise the importance of self-awareness - especially when it comes to making choices. Understanding your emotions, needs, wants and values is key to this self-awareness, and it helps you exercise this choice effectively.

This also requires mindfulness - you cannot exercise choices if you don’t take out the time to reflect on the implications of your actions and how it will affect you. This also helps you understand if you’re making a choice simply our of societal pressure or because this is something your heart truly desires. Knowing whether you are making the correct choices in life: This can be .