First weeks success Most Read on Euro Weekly News Something for everyone First dog beach in the region Cala la Invencible is the first dog beach in the Levante region of Almería and the third in the province of Almeria. Rules apply Rico went on to state the advantages for the health, socialisation and general well-being of dogs; being able to run, play and swim in the sea with their owners. Dogs in the town of Cuevas del Almanzora can now freely enjoy the fine sand beach, crystal-clear waters and beautiful scenery with their family, on the only dog beach in the Levante Almeriense.

Hopefully this will prove the desire and need for more of Almeria’s to open up their beaches to their local families four-legged friends. Thank you for taking the time to read this article. Do remember to come back and check website for all your up-to-date local and international news stories and remember, you can also follow us on and .
