The First Descendant has massively improved since launch, and this is thanks to Nexon’s commitment to making the game better through regular patches. These typically occur on a weekly basis, but we are not getting an update at all this week. Although we are not receiving a patch, Nexon has already shared a couple of fixes and changes that are on the way for The First Descendant’s next update .

It’s confirmed that there is no update for TFD this week because the developers are taking a well-deserved short hiatus to celebrate a significant holiday in Korea. While there is no hotfix this week, you can still check out the most recent update 1.1.

2 patch notes . This implemented some insane buffs with a particular weapon build now capable of “ 70+ million damage per minute “. While we have to wait slightly longer than usual for the next patch to arrive, the good news is that we already know a fix and change that is on the way.

It’s only very minimal details thus far, but it’s worth knowing about nonetheless. The First Descendant next update changes and fixes In The First Descendant update 1.1.

2b , Nexon implemented the following changes as a consequence of the 1.1.2 hotfix: Ultimate Weapons cannot be designated as Junk.

Ultimate Weapons that are already designated as Junk can have the Junk designation deselected. Ultimate Weapons are not to be dismantled. While the above is appreciated, it will no longer apply when update 1.

1.3 comes out. Following the arrival of hotf.