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The latest The First Descendant hotfix aims to solve issues with farming, enemy spawn rates, storage, and Strategic Outpost timer cooldowns. “With this adjustment, the reward amount at Fortress outpost has been reduced. However, to ensure that “Valby run” remains a popular hunting ground like Ambush Point and Refined Run, we have set the reward efficiency significantly higher than originally intended.

We hope to provide numerous farming spots in The First Descendant, each with unique characteristics and usefulness to different Descendants. Instead of reverting Valby run to its original design intent, we have adjusted it to offer similar efficiency to other high-reward hunting grounds. “Additionally, we have shortened the cooldowns for all outposts so that players can play them more frequently without deliberately failing and no longer need to search for outposts with shorter cooldowns by moving around the map.

We have also added gold rewards to Special Operations and adjusted 4 types of Void Fragments to be randomly dropped, allowing players to choose and utilize various hunting grounds. “Through issues like the Fortress Outskirts and Valby run, we are learning what kind of play style our players enjoy. The experience of sweeping through and farming monsters is of significant value in our game.

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