A choir sings Madonna’s “Like a Prayer.” Deadpool attempts to destroy the Time Ripper but can’t do it himself. In comes Wolverine, completing the link and sealing their fates as both believe they’re sacrificing themselves to save the world.

It’s a powerful moment and the big finale to Deadpool & Wolverine but the sequence took a long time to get there. io9 spoke to one of Deadpool & Wolverine’s editors, Shane Reid, who took us through the fascinating iterations that led to the film’s climax. When we spoke to Reid over video chat , he explained that star Ryan Reynolds and director Shawn Levy had the idea for a reprise of “Like a Prayer” from the very beginning.

But, without a sense of what that actually sounded like at the start, Reid decided to try something different. “I would present a lot of ideas to these guys and remember I had this connection to Journey’s ‘Separate Ways’ and I really wanted to use it,” Reid said. “I felt like, ‘Man, when you walked in that power room and you heard the song come in, I was like, this is what the scene’s about.

’ It’s so funny. There’s abs. It’s a throwback to these ’80s action movies and we’re just going to indulge in it.

And this song allows us to laugh.” Reid pitched it to the powers that be and got a surprising response. “I remember walking up to Ryan and Shawn on set and they were like, ‘Okay, so here’s what’s going to happen.

You’re going to take this. We’re going to do Mad.