say they’re going to interview a bunch of to replace and honestly there aren’t enough eye-roll emojis in the world. Now before all the fragile dingbats out there jump down my throat, let me stress that I’m not some anti-diversity bigot. It’s just that diversity for the sake of it is dumb, like eating for the sake of it or supporting for the sake of it.

What’s the point of dragging Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink or Sarina Wiegman down to St George’s Park for an interview when you know you’re not giving them the job, unless teasing people from minority groups is considered ‘progressive’ these days? It’s simple, just pick the best person for the job, you know, like keep forgetting to do, and stop worrying about everyone’s skin colour and genitalia, you big weirdos. Besides, if you hire a manager for their impeccable demographic credentials, chances are their tactical knowledge will be as sparse as post-Invincibles trophy cabinet. And at the end of the day, diversity’s the only diversity really need.

Like telling he’s rubbish now, this shouldn’t need mentioning but it obviously does. Sport is one of the most diverse industries in the world it’s a ruthless meritocracy, not a box-ticking, virtue-signalling Harvard University-style shambles. So to the FA, I say: sod your quotas and your tokenism.

You already wasted one golden generation by hiring a bunch of inept dinosaur managers. Don’t spoil another with this politically correct nonsense. I can’t stand t.