At the heart of north Gower lies one of the most scenic and beautiful walks you're likely to find anywhere, and it is likely that very few people know that it exists. A four-and-a-half mile round trip walk setting off from Llanmadoc takes you through what feels like a deserted path through a pine forest. Located through a gated entrance, less than a minute from Cwm Ivy cafe (that's a hidden gem in itself - click on the 'Read More' link below to find out why), you follow wooden coastal path signs, along a trail through an area teeming with nature, with the sound of birds setting the soundtrack to the otherwise peaceful environment where you see very few other people along the way.

There is plenty of wildlife to keep you company, however, as within fifteen minutes into the journey, wide expansive views of Cwm Ivy Marsh open up in front of your very eyes, with horses roaming freely, amidst the backdrop of a skeleton forest populated by grey trunks and leafless branches (click on the 'ghostly looking dead forest' read more link below for more information on that). For the latest Swansea news, sign up to our newsletter here . READ MORE: Hidden gem cafe at the end of someone's garden that feels like you're overlooking the Serengeti READ MORE: Why there's a ghostly looking dead forest next to a beautiful Gower beach And the further you walk, you are met with even more wildlife along the way, with hundreds of sheep dotted around the route, grazing on its vast amount of marshland.
