The danger lurking in Barcelona's cobbled streets: From watch thefts, pickpockets and muggings...

the extreme measure some tourists are taking to stay safe By Miriam Kuepper Published: 11:08 BST, 30 August 2024 | Updated: 11:16 BST, 30 August 2024 e-mail View comments It is famed for its beautiful architecture, stunning beaches and fine cuisine with 32 million flocking to wander its cobbled streets every year. But tourists thronging sightseeing hotspots in Barcelona are increasingly taking extreme measures to protect themselves from a scourge of petty crime in the Spanish city. This week, Sir Ben Ainslie revealed that his £16k Rolex watch had been stolen in a robbery at knife-point in Barcelona , illustrating the danger tourists could find themselves in.

The city has recently seen a surge in the number of high-end watch thefts, with thieves particularly targeting wealthy tourists. In 2023, crime in Barcelona increased by 8.6 per cent to the year before, according to Catalan News - while London only saw a 6.

3 per cent rise over the same period. Cases of theft make up for almost half of this increase in crime in the Spanish city. A few years ago, the city was so ravaged by pickpockets that local police handed out survival kits - containing clothes and a Metro ticket - to tourists who returned to their belongings after taking a swim only to find that they had been stolen.

To not fall victim to pickpockets, some tourists are now taking extreme measures, like tying their handbags.