JFK apparently ‘needed' sex several times a day John F Kennedy and Jacqueline Bouvier at Kennedy's family home in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts, a few months before their wedding in 1953 I don’t suppose anyone really believes in the “Kennedy Curse” anymore. Or at least, not the Kennedy Curse as it was first mooted – a kind of godly revenge on a family who were too dashing, too beautiful, too rich and fabulous, so that they somehow angered the gods, who responded (as gods apparently do, with all-too-human pettiness) by sending tragedies their way – assassinations, most notably. But also car accidents, drug overdoses, suicides, strange and terrible happenings.

If anything, “the curse” was an extra layer of glamour to an already high-glam family. The same thing gets tacked on to the Guinnesses, the Grimaldis, the Habsburgs. In reality, all we’re talking about is the inevitable intersection of large families with money and privilege, and lots of opportunity.

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