One little funny/bizarre/horrifying thing about the internet is the way it offers up everything and, in doing so, makes it possible to strip anything of its history. But to paraphrase Kamala Harris, you didn’t just fall out of the coconut tree . “You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you” — wise words worth heeding, especially for all the Trump voters and conservatives making TikToks with the Chicks’ “Not Ready to Make Nice.

” Over the past month or so, “Not Ready to Make Nice” has become an unexpected MAGA anthem of sorts, meant to express a certain rage at liberals supposedly telling conservatives what to do all the time (the past few Supreme Court terms notwithstanding , apparently). Young women especially have taken the song as a way to push back against the possibility of Harris becoming the first female president. “Using this song because this is exactly how the liberal party is treating conservatives,” one poster wrote.

Another caption read , “Female rage is seeing women say they’re voting for Kamala because ‘she’s a woman and for my daughter’s future.’ But what about the women who’s [ sic ] lives and future were taken by illegal immigrants because of Kamala’s failure to be the Border Czar?” (This is a frequent talking point in many of the “Not Ready to Make Nice” TikToks.) It is true that “Not Ready to Make Nice” is one of popular music’s great distillations of female rage.

Though, as ma.