T here is more to life than a great new handbag and a beautiful pair of shoes. But we won’t judge you for thinking otherwise. As the curtain lifts on a new season in style, musing about which alarmingly priced accessory sets your world on fire is an essential practice that’s as critical to welcoming in autumn as switching on the heating and ordering a pub roast.

This season’s highlights are plentiful, spanning colour, price and state of mind. There are lady-like handbags (we see you, Saint Laurent), sumptuous colourways (hello, Ferragamo) and seriously showstopping shoulder bags (yes, Prada). There are also some exciting new shoes to sink your feet into — from Alaia pumps (yes please!) to the return of monk-strap loafers, a revival we are fully on board with.

Fans of high heels should opt for slingback and sculptural court shoes (just make sure you can still run for a bus in them). After all this is a season for people who have places to be — not those who choose to carry their heels in an overflow bag (still a style no-no)..