Darragh Ennis, known as The Menace on ITV's popular quiz show The Chase, challenged his online followers to a quiz about food and drink which is so hard he doesn't think anyone will get them all correct Get the latest top news stories sent straight to your inbox with our daily newsletter We have more newsletters Get the latest top news stories sent straight to your inbox with our daily newsletter We have more newsletters Have you ever wondered how you'd fare going up against one of the Chasers on the ITV popular quiz show The Chase ? Unless you actually apply and get selected to take part, it's tricky to know. But one good way of comparing your knowledge is to see if you can beat a quiz set by none other than Darragh Ennis, also known as The Menace. The Irish quizzer joined the show in 2020 after first appearing as a contestant in 2017.

Taking to TikTok, where he often shares his extensive knowledge and quizzes his followers, he challenged people to a food and drink quiz, which he said was so hard he didn't think anyone would be able to get all five correctly. Darragh said: "Can you beat a quiz by The Menace? This time it's on food and drink and I bet you can't get all five." Below you'll find the questions, as asked by Darragh on his social media account: "Question one, what fruit is the main flavour of the liqueur crème de cassis? Question two, the spice saffron is made from the stamens of what flowers? Question three, what is the name of a pork pie that has some chicken .