The Challenge Season 40 didn’t take long to see rivalries of the past quickly resurface as the individual competitors were forced to face off against the people from their own eras–and fans were delighted as they saw Cara Maria and Laurel among the ones who are still feuding. The Battle of the Eras sees 40 competitors from the past seasons of the show all back to compete for a $1 million prize, and despite saying they would stay out of social media drama , Cara Maria and Laurel quickly reignited their feud as they and the rest of the group were forced to compete in a challenge involving creating a puzzle, rowing a boat to collect lights and finishing assembling them in the right spaces to represent their era–with the last woman and man from each era at risk of elimination. Laurel, who some felt won All-Stars 4 in a scam move , while others called her a GOAT , quickly asserted her dominance by winning the challenge and beating Cara Maria–and it didn’t take long for either one to complain about the other.

Challenge star admits competing on Season 40 with boyfriend 'hindered' game Challenge fans rage against Cory Wharton's 'whining' ahead of season 40 And while their drama is surely only about to begin, fans were already eating it up as the episode played out. Taking to Reddit , many shared their delight over the fact that the two were already at odds. “There better be some MAJOR drama with Laurel and Cara because they’re building up their beef like no other,” on.