Now that the Vacation Alliance has been officially sliced in half, Tori and Josh are both without their No. 1. Sitting on the couch together, they remind me of the slightly awkward, slightly nervous feeling evoked by two mutual friends forced to maintain the conversation when the primary glue friend goes to the bathroom.

The rest of the house has splintered into different alliances. Bananas, who was formally targeted by his friend Tori at the last elimination, has assembled all of the female free agents — Aviv, Jenny, Laurel, and Rachel — into “Johnny’s Angels.” It’s a smart move, considering that the opposite sex has the most power to protect you in this next phase of the game.

Michele, Olivia, and Nia form “The Ladies of Leisure,” which sounds a little too similar to “The Lavender Ladies,” one of the most annoying alliances in Challenge history. We know Michele and Olivia are besties, but where did Nia come from? I feel like the three of them only aligned because they all have/had Challenge situationships this season and they want to pretend like they’re drinking milkshakes at the Riverdale diner instead of passing out from heat exhaustion in the Vietnam sun. When the challengers file in for the daily challenge, T.

J. tells them he’s going to flip a coin to determine whether it will be a guys’ day or a girls’ day. (We already know it will be a guys’ day because of the intro clip they played from Free Agents where Cara tells Jessica, my least fav.