With the final months of 2024 upon us, it's safe to say that the year has been simultaneously quiet and busy all at the same time. As buyers, sellers, and Realtors alike waited with bated breath to see what the rates would do this year, many markets had seen some stabilization and normalization from the first two years after COVID, when sales skyrocketed, and bidding wars were daily occurrences. Charleston was no stranger to the madness as our little cape by the sea has increased in popularity nationwide as a top place to live.

With skyrocketing prices and bidding wars followed by low inventory and high interest rates, having a knowledgeable Realtor to guide buyers through the market was vital. The Cassina Group, established in 2006 by co-founders Jimmy Dye and Robertson Allen, has been a cornerstone of the Charleston real estate market and monumental in the industry. For the past several years, they've been ranked as the #1 Boutique Real Estate firm in the area, and it's no surprise why.

Their passion and dedication to their clients, combined with a top-notch team, have contributed to the firm's tremendous success in the past year. Hard work and an efficient team "I like we’re seeing a return to a more normalized, pre-pandemic market, but there is still difficulty with inventory being very, very low," said Allen when asked about how 2024 compares with the previous post-pandemic years. He and Dye also agree that some parts of the area have seen growth in the past year, such.