The “woke” Stasi are in charge in Britain, with tech billionaire and X owner Elon Musk warning that our trans-Atlantic cousins are facing a “civil war.” A similar movement is afoot here in the United States, with only the Second Amendment — and the upcoming presidential election — to protect us from a similar fate. Last week, protests erupted across the United Kingdom, with thousands taking to the street to voice their dissatisfaction with a British ruling elite that has encouraged unfettered illegal immigration and ignored the negative consequences ordinary Britons have to live with: Increased crime, higher living costs, and diminished education and health care services for citizens.

The protests got disorderly, with the media largely covering the rioting — cars torched, and mosques and hotels housing asylum-seekers damaged or destroyed. The blame fell exclusively on “far-right” extremists. The new Labor government, led by Prime Minister Keir Starmer, sprang into action, vowing to speed up judicial procedures to convict and jail the rioters while cracking down on “racist” social media postings.

The Starmer government even threatened to extradite Americans they felt were spreading “misinformation” about the perpetrator behind the murderous knife attack late last month that sparked the unrest . “We will throw the full force of the law at people,” London Metropolitan Police Commissioner Mark Rowley said last week. “And whether you’re in this co.