Model and musician Grace Kennedy and musician turned restaurateur Hayden Tobin met briefly through friends at the end of 2019, before quickly developing a rapport over Instagram DMs. “[Eventually,] I told him to come down to my Chinatown apartment and crash girls’ night,” Grace remembers of their first proper “date” in January 2020. “Unfortunately, he came with my most hated drink—White Claw.

” Thankfully, they bonded quickly over their love of music and food. “I was getting breakfast at JFK before a 7 a.m.

flight home for Christmas and some guy pulled up and boldly asked for lobster ravioli and a Sex on the Beach—neither of which were on the menu—and I thought that was a good enough story to break the ice over DMs,” Hayden reveals. “We still laugh about lobster ravioli and his insane order every time we’re in JFK. Mr.

Lobster ravioli—if you’re reading this, thank you.” After dating for over two years, one of the couple’s friends, photographer Chad Moore, invited the pair to a show of his work in Tokyo in May 2022. “Chad had to get us visas for it and all he would say was, ‘I have a surprise for you there,’” Hayden remembers.

“We love to travel and are both obsessed with Japan, so we jumped at the opportunity. And, we had been talking about getting engaged for a while, so I also jumped on this perfect opportunity.” For the proposal, Hayden sourced an antique platinum ring from the late 1800s.

“Grace loves all things vintage and.