FLORENCE — Over the years I’ve written about a plethora of wine, spirits and other categories of alcohol-containing imbibements. I half-jokingly remark that if you are going to be a lifelong learner, you may as well make the homework fun. In all honesty, there are many reasons why I bend the proverbial elbow.

Although my daytime job, my genetic heritage and even my family all have their contribution to driving me to drink, the truth is that I was probably close enough to walk. With October rolling into focus, we begin to think about breast cancer awareness. This remains a real-world tangible issue that we all can, with a little effort, continue to make headway toward early detection and a cure.

So, I invite you to not just wear pink but drink pink. Don your ribbon, grab a bottle of rosé and join me for my favorite and most justified reason for consumption — a good cause. Many consumers pigeonhole rosé wines as quaffable juice to pour down their gobs in the heat of the summer.

Granted, this can be a rewarding poolside pastime, but these wines can offer so much more. Even though I snub the coercive seasonal rosé marketing by drinking it year-round, I wholeheartedly believe some of the best food pairings remain with autumn-associated fare. Recently, I have revisited my torrid love affair with Italian rosé with no regrets.

The Bottle Talk: What wines go with football season? Make no mistake, I do find interesting rosé wines spread all over the world, but the Itali.