This season of has had its fair share of scandals already – we've had , , and so on. And on Monday night's episode, Foreman Dan was left fuming when he discovered Grant had massively over-ordered plasterboard, a major breach of the show's rules and something every contestant knows – you must not order more materials than you need each week. While Grant insisted it was an accident, Dan was ropable, saying he'd have to chat to Scotty and figure out a consequence for the cheating.

Dan tells Grant that he "looks at authority like it's nothing". "If that's the case, if we're going to be punished, do you mind if we go for a wander and see who has more," Grant responded, trying to throw the other teams under the bus. "That's my job, I want you to go back inside, mate," Dan hit back.

After discovering that Kristian has also over-ordered, Dan told him, "There's going to be consequences next week," also saying that another contestant told him to check on the other teams. "Ahhh, little cheeky dogs," Kristian responded. "Why do we always get painted as the bad guys?" Grant later asked the cameras, and Courtney responded with a smile, "Because we are!" fans took to social media to slam Kristian and Grant, with one Facebook user writing, "BS it was accidental.

They are cheaters." "That argument was totally disgraceful," another said. "NEVER argue with the foreman, he is the site boss.

What he says goes, no matter what. Any other work site and Grant would have been thrown off. But he kn.