One of the biggest feuds on this year’s season of came to a head in Monday night’s episode and it wasn’t even between two contestants. , who is competing on the show alongside his wife , has been butting heads with Foreman Dan all season long and was recently penalised for breaking the rules and over-ordering gyprock. He was subsequently punished for “cheating” and given a one-hour time penalty, however, he was seemingly determined to bring his competitors down with him.

In addition to requesting an audit on the other teams’ orders - which meant House 5’s also had to suffer a time penalty as they had a surplus of gyprock - Grant and Courtney pointed out that House 3’s had missed the pre-start safety meeting on Saturday and also deserved to be penalised. “I’m gonna give you a penalty on Monday,” Dan told Courtney and Grant about their over-ordering, to which she responded, “So what are the boys gonna get? Didn’t they miss pre-start?”. “If I get the time penalty, so do [House] 3,” Grant added.

While they appeared to be on the same page at the time, Grant and Dan’s feud erupted when Dan announced Ricky and Haydn’s punishment during Monday morning’s pre-start meeting and said their absence was brought to his attention by Grant. Despite throwing the boys under the bus just three days earlier, Grant was adamant he had nothing to do with their penalty and Dan’s accusation “couldn’t be further from the truth”. “Everything in regards to .