fans have made a major plea to producers this season, claiming that they believe has "past their use by date". Many viewers are begging for the show to bring in Steph Ottavio, last year's winner, to replace interior designer Shaynna Blaze, who has been on the show since 2012. One fan took to Reddit to share their thoughts on the judging panel, which includes designer Darren Palmer and real estate agent Marty Fox, who replaced Neale Whitaker, an interior design expert, last year.

"Really feels like this year Marty has stepped up to the Head B***h in Charge role among the judges," they began their harsh critique. "Darren seems subdued, almost intimidated by the new guy (I know he was here last year too) and old Shaynna Blaze is just spouting weird s**t in order to try and pull focus back to herself. "I also agree with the annual whinefest about getting new judges - dump Shaynna get a young interior designer from this millennium, she doesn't bring anything I haven't heard a thousand times before.

Keep Marty, an actual practical real estate view is essential. Third judge needs to be an experienced tradie - I want to know about the reno quality." Many others resonated with this idea, with one user responding, "Shaynna is so over her job.

She hates it. She needs to do us all and herself a favour and move on." "I don’t think Darren is intimidated.

He just likes standing back and watching Shaynna and Marty bicker for a while before giving his opinion," another countered. "I'd love .