is giving us the "MAFS with hammers vibes" we were promised and we are INVESTED. We've had couples committing , another team threatening to quit and one cast member having to leave via helicopter as his first child arrived early. Amongst all of the shenanigans from the Blockheads, we've also welcomed back Marty Fox, who has now joined Shaynna Blaze and Darren Palmer as a permanent replacement for Neale Whittaker.

Neale, who has appeared on the reality show since season three in 2010, that he was stepping back from his role to be with his partner David as he battled “some serious health issues”. The interior design expert told that the decision to leave had not been an easy one saying, “Oh gosh, it was a big decision, but it was something that I had to do for my personal life,” he shared. “After 13 years, it kind of felt like the timing was right.

I gave it my best shot for all those years, and it was time to move on." While Neale may be content with his decision to leave the series, fans seem to be missing him quite a bit as they debate the permanent addition of Marty to the line-up. "Why, oh why, do we have to put up with Marty Fox? He has nothing constructive to say!" one viewer lamented online.

"Agree. Unless everything is beige he's not happy. Such a boring man," someone replied.

"He’s just contrary! Argues against everything!" said another. "Can’t stand him," someone else said. "Didn’t like him tonight," yet another viewer added.

"Way too harsh. It’s no.