The best wired earbuds are still a popular choice even in a world where true wireless earbuds are now super-cheap, because they offer an extra level of reliability and better value for sound quality. And they've become kind of cool again, too, as a reaction to AirPods and the like becoming the norm. Today, the best wired earbuds include a really broad range of options, not only because of the many prices they come in, but because most phones now don't offer a 3.

5mm jack (the standard connection for all the best wired headphones for years). So in this guide, we've included the best USB-C wired earbuds as well as those with a regular 3.5mm jack (some also come with a 4.

4mm connection), and there's something for all budgets. We've tested all of these wired earbuds ourselves, as well as many options that didn't make it into this guide. That includes some options that are even cheaper than what we have here, but that we just didn't think were good enough to be worth buying – as well as some other high-end in-ear monitors that we loved, but weren't better than what we've featured.

Please note, we haven't included any Lightning earbuds here for iPhones – we recommend When we test the best wired earbuds, we're looking for sound quality as the first point, naturally, but we're also testing for long-term comfort, whether the cable is integrated in an ergonomic way, whether the cable housing adds unwanted noise, and how well they isolate you from outside sounds. The result of all th.