can be a tricky affair, between trying to gauge what is and isn't 'appropriate', hitting that right note between formal and fun, taking comfort into account, trying not to twin with another attendee, and preparing for all weather eventualities to boot. Suffice it to say, there's a lot to think about – though our guide to styling and shopping the will help sort you out on that front. Which brings us swiftly onto the second most pressing matter: which shoes to wear.

In fact, given most require guests to be on their feet for a good few hours at least, I'd argue that the choice of footwear is even important than the outfit itself. There are a few things to take into consideration when it comes to choosing the right for the celebrations. Firstly, location: if there's likely to be uneven terrain like cobblestones, grass or sand, you should probably avoid any kind of stiletto situation if you want to keep your ankles intact.

Consider the weather, too – any hint of rain, and materials like satin or suede are likely to get ruined, so you might want to leave your most precious styles behind. The general vibe of the wedding will also dictate your footwear choice, with more formal and traditional ceremonies requiring a smart heel, while a nice or is usually acceptable for a more laid-back event. Then, there's your own comfort to think about.

Tempting as it may be to use a wedding as an opportunity to show off your fanciest, most , it's important to ask yourself whether or not you're .