If you buy something from a Verge link, Vox Media may earn a commission. Hi, friends! Welcome to No. 47, your guide to the best and -iest stuff in the world.

(If you’re new here, welcome, so psyched you found us, and also you can read all the old editions at the .) This week, I’ve been reading about and and , watching and catching up on , downloading every single podcast episode mentioned in , writing stuff down with , and trying desperately to figure out what I forgot to pack for vacation. I’ve also been trying new blueberry muffin recipes all week — thanks to everyone who sent me one! Speaking of which: As I mentioned last week, is taking a summer break.

I’m going to go sit outside and stare at trees for a couple of weeks. (If you have good fun books I should read, by the way, please send them my way.) I’ll be back here August 17th with a big catch-up , but I hope you have a great couple of weeks, and keep telling me about everything you’re into! Before I go, I also have for you a new way to use Apple Maps, an interesting interview with Mark Zuckerberg, the best way to watch the Olympics, some of the internet’s best and silliest websites, and much more.

Let’s do it. (As always, the best part of is your ideas and tips. What are you into right now? What should everyone else be reading, watching, playing, snacking on, or listening to? Tell me everything: .

And if you know someone else who might enjoy , tell them to .) Even if you don’t know , there’s a go.