What is the best time to drink coffee, and how much is too much? As a self-confessed coffee addict, my answer would be whenever you want to. But recently, I’ve struggled with insomnia , which has prompted me to think about my coffee habits. Studies suggest that your daily cup of caffeine can support your heart and brain health and when consumed mindfully – without sugar – coffee can offer numerous health benefits, thanks to the antioxidants found in the coffee plant.

However, it’s not just about how you take your coffee, but when you drink it. Experts advise that by timing it right, you can avoid any negative effects. The best time to drink coffee “Coffee contains caffeine, which is a natural stimulant,” explains nutritionist Mugdha Pradhan , founder of iThrive.

“This means it can boost your metabolism by increasing the body’s heart rate and energy expenditure. That’s why drinking coffee in the morning – about 90 minutes after waking up – works well, because it syncs up with the body’s natural cortisol rhythm.” If you’re someone who likes to work out in the morning, having black coffee beforehand may enhance physical performance and support fat burning, while consuming it afterwards could aid muscle recovery, too.

That said, it’s best not to have it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, as it can trigger the production of stomach acid, which can potentially make you feel uncomfortable. Therefore, look to drink coffee after a light meal .