This article takes a look at the best place to retire in Romania. Check out our complete list of According to a 2024 Monmouth University Poll, 34% of Americans would prefer to go and settle in another country if they were free to do so. Fifty years ago, this percentage stood at a low 10%.

So, who’s looking to travel? Apparently, one age group keen on moving is the early retirement crowd. Between 2008 and 2022, the number of Social Security recipients living outside the US has risen at a staggering rate. Back in 2008, the number of recipients was only 307,000.

This number shot up to in 2022. Rising costs of living, healthcare accessibility, and better quality of life have been provoking many Americans to seek retirement havens beyond the US borders. While the median retirement savings across households has been steadily growing, it is yet to achieve the ideal number that Americans think they need to live a comfortable lifestyle here in the US.

According to the , the median retirement savings for American households is $87,000 only. On the contrary, a survey by The Charles Schwab Corporation (NYSE: ) reveals that Americans think they need at least $1.8 million to live a comfortable retirement.

Even though survey participants may be overestimating how much they will actually need once they get there, the reality is that they aren't aptly prepared. To make things worse, Social Security funds are now predicted to be depleted by 2035, although one year later than the predicted da.