was a rock band from Manchester, England. , put out seven mostly uneven albums and 28 singles outfitted with dozens of unforgettable , and then broke up in 2009. They were led by the two Gallagher brothers — Noel (guitar, backing vocals, primary songwriter) and Liam (singer, tambourine, chief troublemaker).

The Gallagher brothers were best known for fighting a lot. Their last fight occurred before a festival show in Paris, when Liam threw a plum at Noel and then attempted to take his brother’s head off with a guitar. Noel quit, and Oasis was over.

Here’s another important piece of information: Oasis was my favorite band from 1994 to 1997, which happens to coincide with my high school years and my freshman year of college. This means that important landmarks in Oasis history are also important landmarks in my own history. For instance, this month marks the 25th anniversary of the third Oasis album, Regarded as one of the most notorious drug-fueled fiascos in rock history, is typically viewed as the beginning of the end of Oasis’ mid-’90s prime.

Rob Sheffield of once referred to as “a concept album about how long all the songs were.” Noel himself has described the album as “the sound of a bunch of guys on coke, in the studio, not giving a fuck.” As for me, I love as I do all Oasis albums, even the bad ones.

And I always will. To better explain this, I have written about my 50 favorite Oasis songs and, in the process, attempted to illustrate what makes this ban.